How To Pour Passion Into Emails

ADD_THIS_TEXT Passion ignites. It’s usually at the core of all success, motivation, achievement, and the rolling spark. Passion moves things, inspires people, brings in energy, and makes things happen. Successful businesses have passion playing behind every customer interaction, piece of communication, response to a customer request, sales pitch, in-person meet, and deal-making occurrence, How is […]

How To Pour Passion Into Emails


Passion ignites. It’s usually at the core of all success, motivation, achievement, and the rolling spark. Passion moves things, inspires people, brings in energy, and makes things happen. Successful businesses have passion playing behind every customer interaction, piece of communication, response to a customer request, sales pitch, in-person meet, and deal-making occurrence,

How is passion related to email? What does passion have to do with firing up your email client and writing out a piece of communication?

Apparently, there’s a strong correlation between passion and email communication. Let’s explore how passion works with email communication:

Passion shows life

Here’s a sample follow up mail from a web solutions provider:



We noticed that you’ve been using our product for more than a month now and we hope that you’ve had enough time to check out our features. If you’d like to know more, please don’t hesitate to ask us any questions that you might have.


Team [enter your company name]


Here’s another one:


Hey [first name pick from database],

Thank you so much for up for our free trial. If we know any better, you might have already experimented with [enter product name]. We are aware that you’d have questions about our product and perhaps – just a guess here – you might even have questions for us.

We’d love to field your questions and/or arrange for a live demo. Would you like to have a chat with us? Would it be all right to arrange for a Skype call to see if you have any questions at all?

We are even cool about helping you to decide what works best for your business (even if you decide to go with our competitors). No, really, we are fine with it.

All we want is that you take the right decision for your business.

Please let us know when you’d like to chat.

Warm Regards


[Name of the company]



Which one of these emails are you more likely to respond to? We are willing wager that you’d go for the second one, won’t you?


Emails with passion are testimony to the effort you put in

Prospects and other email recipients can tell the difference between an automated email response, a sloppily written email and passionate emails – filled with energy, passion, and a special spark. It’s the way of the written word; it’s the power of communication.  If you’ve ever claimed to work hard with emails, it’s time for a reality check: you’d not have put in enough effort if you barely thought of something to write in an email. The real effort comes (almost effortlessly) when you are passionate about your business and about helping your customers.


Passionate emails are personal as possible

Emails are notorious for being “machine like”, “robot like”, “soul less”, and “impersonal”. Passion is the lighting bolt that helps you to overcome this problem in your communication. When you are passionate, you’d do your best to communicate succinctly, clearly. Your emails are outright personal when you pour passion in and take the monotony out of your communication. You’ll address your recipients in first person, communicate almost as if your email recipients were sitting right across the table, and your personality will leap out of the computer screen.

How personal are your emails?


Passionate emails bring results

Needless to say, the difference between email copy that works and copy that’d make recipients reach out to the “unsubscribe” button is passion. Some emails are boring; others come loaded with self-congratulatory content and direct promotions. The only kind of email copy that works is personal, helpful, engaging, subtly direct, and warm. If you don’t believe us, you are welcome to use the example emails above and use it in an A/B split test. You’d see that the second email gets more results than the first one.

Passionate emails require you to be passionate about your own business, believe in your own products, and have an altruistic approach to doing business.

Is your email copy passionate enough? Does your email copy make your subscribers want to connect with you even more?


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