How to End an Email & 50 Different Email Sign-Offs

How you end an email and your email sign-off are important. It leaves your recipient with a lasting impression of you – and you want to make sure that impression is a positive one. As Justin Bariso, founder of Insight consulting group points out, you wouldn’t end a conversation without saying goodbye. So why should […]

How to End an Email & 50 Different Email Sign-Offs

How you end an email and your email sign-off are important. It leaves your recipient with a lasting impression of you – and you want to make sure that impression is a positive one.

As Justin Bariso, founder of Insight consulting group points out, you wouldn’t end a conversation without saying goodbye. So why should you end an email without an appropriate sign-off? The right email sign-off can give the impression that you’re a friendly, confident professional – that you know what you’re doing, you’re in control of the situation, and you’re going to empower others to do their jobs, too. Who wouldn’t want to get that message across?

You don’t want to use the same sign-off in every situation, however. Depending on the type of email you’re sending and how well you know its recipient, you can tweak your sign-off for best results. Remember, this is your final chance to leave an impression – so make it a good one.

50 Different Email Sign-Offs

  1. Thank you

Not only does gratitude help lift your mood and improve your outlook on life, it can also help you win new friends.

  1. Best regards

If you’re sending a more formal email – perhaps a note to your new boss who’s just been hired – you can’t go wrong with the formal but sincere “Best regards.”

  1. Happy Friday

You can substitute any other day of the week, of course, but somehow “Happy Monday” just doesn’t quite have the same ring to it.

  1. Cheers

“Cheers” is a good multipurpose closer that works well whether you know the person you’re communicating with personally or not.

  1. Take care

This is probably best used as a closing phrase for a colleague that you know and genuinely care about.

  1. Speak soon

If you’ve just scheduled a meeting or you know there will be many more back-and-forths about a project, close with “speak soon.”

  1. Looking forward

Again, use this if you’ve just scheduled a meeting or you’re waiting on a deliverable.

  1. Yours

This one might be a little strange for a business email, but if you feel it’s appropriate, go for it.

  1. Much appreciated

Remember, when in doubt, show a little gratitude. Everyone likes to hear that their efforts are seen and appreciated.

  1. Until ____

Fill this in with the next time you’re planning to see or speak to your recipient: “Until tomorrow,” “Until then,” or “Until next Friday.”

  1. Respectfully

“Respectfully” is best used when you’re writing to a higher-up in the company.

  1. Have a great day

This is a friendly, upbeat way to close an email. You can also substitute “Have a great weekend” or “Have a great holiday.”

  1. Cordially

Communicating with someone you don’t know very well? In most cases, it’s better to be polite than casual.

  1. Enjoy your ____

Again, fill in the blank with whatever is appropriate: “Enjoy your day,” “Enjoy your weekend,” etc.

  1. Hope this helps

Best used when collaborating on a project or answering a list of questions.

  1. Let me know if you need anything else

A little wordy, but it’s important to make people feel like they can freely ask you whatever questions they have, without feeling like they’re imposing.

  1. Pleasure

For when you’re catching up with an old colleague or having an enjoyable, in-depth conversation with someone.

  1. I owe you

Has someone done something really special for you? Tell them you’re in their debt – and don’t forget to follow through.

  1. Thanks a million

Casual and friendly, this is for the true-blue coworkers who’ve bailed you out of hot water.

  1. Kind regards

Depending on the context, this could come across as either stuffy or friendly, so use with care.

  1. Sincerely

This isn’t extremely common in the business email world, but it could work in some situations.

  1. Warmly

“Warmly” is a nice way to end an email and bring, well, a warm and fuzzy feeling to your recipient.

  1. Keep on keepin’ on

This email sign-off is casual, fun, and best used in settings that are the same.

  1. Looking forward to your reply

If you’re not sure the person you’re emailing is going to respond, throw this in as your closing – they’ll feel more obligated to click ‘reply’.

  1. Fond regards

Keep this one in your back pocket for non-casual settings.

  1. Thanks for your consideration

Sending a proposal or applying to a job? Don’t forget to thank the recipient for their consideration.

  1. Thanks for your time

The person you’re emailing didn’t have to take the time to read through your email, but they did. Say thanks!

  1. With anticipation

Excited about getting a reply? Close by saying “With anticipation.” (Best used when discussing the office Taco Tuesday.)

  1. Keep in touch

Maybe you’re not planning to speak regularly with the person you’re emailing – if so, close with a general “keep in touch.”

  1. Good luck

Does someone have a big project or proposal coming up? Wish them well. 

  1. Keep me posted

End with a nice reminder for your recipient to keep you in the loop. 

  1. I’ll circle back

Can’t answer their question right away? Reassure them that you will. 

  1. Stay tuned

If you’ve got exciting things coming and you want your recipient to know, close with “stay tuned.”

  1. Good work

If someone is working for you, give them feedback and appreciation.

  1. Hope all is well

Best used for someone you haven’t spoken with in a while. 

  1. Pleasure working with you

This is a friendly way to close an email and ensure you’ll work with this person again.

  1. Hasta la vista

Casual email to a coworker you know well? Channel your inner Schwarzenegger.

  1. Safe travels

Only appropriate, of course, if the other person is traveling. It’s a nice way to wish them well.

  1. Rock on

This fun email sign-off is applicable in other settings besides just the music world. 

  1. Thanks in advance

If someone promises to do something nice for you (or you’re hoping they will) – thank them now.

  1. Happy to help

You answered a question, worked on a project, or saved a life. Reassure the other person that it was your pleasure. 

  1. Keep being awesome

Do you think someone you work with is pretty awesome? Tell them – and tell them to stay that way. 

  1. At your service

Remind people you’re here to help. 

  1. Hope you can make it

Planning a meeting? An office party? Tell people you want them there. 

  1. Feel better soon

If someone is complaining about a cold, take notice and end your email with this sign-off – people remember the little things like that.

  1. Keep up the great work

This sign-off is meant for someone who’s doing work for you and killing it.

  1. To your success

Remember, email sign-offs aren’t about you; they’re about the other person.

  1. Congratulations

Again, don’t be afraid to recognize the other person’s accomplishments.

  1. Stay warm

If you’re having a cold snap, close emails with “stay warm” (as long as the recipients live in the same area as you). What would we do without the weather as a conversation starter. 

  1. Get ready

Big things coming? Advise the other person to hang on to their seat.

Additional Reading:  How To End A Business Email (With Examples)

What other email sign-offs would you add to this list? Share in the comments below:

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David Campbell

David Campbell is the editor of the Right Inbox blog. He is passionate about email productivity and getting more done in less time.


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