Don’t just follow up: How to add value to your follow up emails

ADD_THIS_TEXT Marketers swear by the power of follow up emails. We know it. We feel it and we live by the power of follow-up. However, as it is for most things with marketing, just sending in a brief, nice-worded email won’t cut it anymore because your customers, clients, or recipients just get too many of […]

Don’t just follow up: How to add value to your follow up emails


Marketers swear by the power of follow up emails.

We know it. We feel it and we live by the power of follow-up. However, as it is for most things with marketing, just sending in a brief, nice-worded email won’t cut it anymore because your customers, clients, or recipients just get too many of these “me too” emails. There ought to be a way to make your email subscribers or clients look forward to your emails.

The only way to do that: add value.

Often, we don’t think much about “value” when we are sending out normal emails that fall into the category of “communications”.

We are mavericks, here at Right Inbox, and we like to think: why not?

If it’s just a normal email from your Gmail inbox, you could do all that you do. You just forgot to add value to that outgoing email. Here are some ideas for you to include value in normal, everyday emails.

Value through personality

Did you know that the easiest, simplest, and the quickest way to add value to your emails is to actually let your personality come through your writing? While most of us focus on “showing personality” through our videos, blogs, and on social media, we don’t really give much thought to the everyday emails that you’d use for communication.

Since follow-up emails are moneymakers, these pieces of communication should look and feel the part., a video-hosting service, is a good example of how to keep emails and any other piece of content lively, engaging, informative, and fun.

Show quirkiness in business

Quirky is profitable. Businesses are boring. You got to change that, especially for your business emails such as proposals, follow-ups, and the string of communications that are a part of your workflow. Start your emails with “Hey [client name]” and end them with:

  • “Tipping a glass for your business”
  • “Signing off with a smile, a bow, and a wave of hand”
  • “I told my mom about you”
  • Go crazy. Make it big.

Depending on your business, create a signoff that’s unique and quirky. Who says business has to be boring?

Value with freebies

Marketers have two rules: make offers customers can’t refuse or give away stuff free until you get their attention.

A lot can be said about a business that gives away valuable stuff for free and gets customers to become invaluable. Digital marketers give away free reports, trials, and samples away all the time. It’s time to apply that tactic to your email. Here are some ways you can do it:

  • We love you. We are proud that we even got to communicate with you. Here’s a super report on [relevant title depending on the client’s business] we created just for you.
  • Struggling with marketing? Here’s a free report on “100 Business Changing Secrets You Ought to Know”
  • Videos are big. So, here’s a video on how to make video work for your business.
  • You are so important to us. Here’s a 30-day free trial for [Insert product/service plan].  Try it. The coffee is on us

Value with information and content

As another extension of the “freebies” idea, add free content right within the email body if this is a regular email and not an email campaign.

Share tips, insights, or a clutch of information about some new discoveries you’ve made that you think would add value to your client. Go at it in Twitter style. Keep it short but punchy. A few examples below:

  • Did you know that you could boost conversations just by using a landing page for your marketing? Think about it.
  • Have you ever considered building your subscriber list and sending out non-promotional email campaigns?
  • On Social Media, give more than you take.
  • Use technology. It’s the best form of leverage, after people.

Remember that these are not email campaigns or newsletters. We are talking about regular emails that you are do doubt neck deep in, every singe day. See what adding value to your email workflow can do to your client acquisition rate.

Do you add value in your follow-up emails or are you just asking for business?


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