Automated Emails and What You Should Know About Them

ADD_THIS_TEXT Emails are great but automated emails are even better. With no effort on your own, they would do so much more for your business. Do you know how to build an email list but not making use of marketing automation? Customized auto-responses almost morph into a system that works for your business. It obviates the need […]

Automated Emails and What You Should Know About Them


Emails are great but automated emails are even better. With no effort on your own, they would do so much more for your business. Do you know how to build an email list but not making use of marketing automation? Customized auto-responses almost morph into a system that works for your business. It obviates the need for “being there” to do what would have otherwise taken an entire mailroom to do. You can even use automation to build powerful workflows that help engage with and nurture leads more efficiently.

Here are some of the most common types of automated emails businesses use and some ways on how to make them work better:

Notification emails and Trigger emails

Notification emails are usually trigger emails deployed by auto-responders. While notification emails are mostly transactional in nature, marketers almost always neglect them while open rates are concerned. According to Send Grid[1], transactional emails such as notification emails enjoy some of the highest open rates.  In fact, Kissmetrics blog[2] reveals that Quibb – a news site – gets as much as 100% open rates.

The key to get these transactional emails do much more than “notify” is to use great headlines and copy that resonates with the readers.

Transactional emails

Welcome messages, shipment confirmations, order confirmations, invoices, and account termination notices – among many others including notification emails and trigger emails mentioned above – are transactional emails.

Transactional emails are expected emails and that’s a tremendous amount of potential power wielding that marketers have in their hands. Helen Leggatt of BizReport writes an entire post[3] to make that point where she points out that transactional emails earn about 20% more conversions than normal emails.

Transactional emails are often overlooked powerhouses. What are you doing about them?

Regulated and timed auto-responders

Regulated and timed auto-responders are scheduled emails set to go out and delivered to recipients at particular frequencies such as multiple times in a week, each week, or every month. They are more regular in nature and have a personalized approach – at least more than a normal transactional email. However, they suffer from lower conversion rates and minimal open rates.

It’s using these kinds of emails that businesses try to nurture their subscribers.

Self-timed, personalized business emails

While they are not exactly “loaded and scheduled to be delivered” like regulated emails or auto-responder messages, these are highly customized and automated to an extent.  These are specific emails to be sent out to targeted customers complete with their respective personal information along with highly relevant details.

For example, an email that’s being sent to a customer following her question through social media or website contact form. Although most businesses tend to improvise for such responses, these can be customized and automated as explained in our previous posts on Email success for Real Estate Agents[4] and Recruiters[5].

Are you using transactional emails, automated emails, and automated responses to their fullest?


[1] Send Grid | Why Transactional Email is so Engaging

[2] | How Quibb Keeps Daily email Open Rates Between 50% and 70%

[3] | Marketers Overlook Power of Transactional emails

[4] | Improving Success and productivity With Follow up Emails for Real Estate Agents

[5] | For Recruiters: Improving Success and productivity With Follow up Emails

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Daniel Larsson


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